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Frequently Asked Questions

How did you get started in sales?

I was working as a pharmacy technician at a start-up home infusion company in the Chicagoland area while attending school in the evenings majoring in accounting. 


At the home infusion company I had the opportunity to “rub” elbows with the salespeople.  What impressed and influenced me about these salespeople was how much “fun” they were having.  Making lots of money, lunch with executives (in this case Doctors) , golfing with prospects and making money (didn’t I mention that already?...keep in mind I was a married father of three young kids just barely getting by with diapers, baby food, rent and school tuition.  So making money was very important to me).  I looked at them and looked at myself and said…”self you can do that!” 


So coming towards the end of my education I made an about change and decided “counting” money and looking over ledgers was not for me.  After “selling” myself to that Home Infusion company, they moved me and my family to Miami/Ft.Lauderdale to start my new career in sales.


How did that first experience in sales go for you?


I was terrified!  Not only my first job as a salesperson, also moved my family from Chicago to Miami - it was the start-up Home Infusion Company that moved me to Florida – all expenses paid and I had never sold anything to anyone least a doctor!  Talk about pressure! 


The story does have a good ending….won two trips to Hawaii, a Rolex watch, awarded salesman of the years and Highest TPN Achiever.  All within a three year period of starting my sales career.


What motivates you as sales professional?


The challenge and “hunt” of meeting someone for the first time and convincing them I have a solution to their problem still excites me!


What traits do you believe make up the most effective sales people?


I was recently in a joint sales call with the owner of the company I was working at.  That sales prospect later told me...."your boss is not very passionate about his products".   


He hit the "nail on the head"...passion.  I remember reading Zig Ziegler saying…”selling is a transference of feelings”.  You’ve got to be passionate about your product or service.  If not, it will show.   


How would you describe your sales technique?


Solution oriented and value driven.  


How would you describe you as a sales manager?


Empathy….when I lead a team I lead from a point of understanding.  It’s my job and position to take time to “see” the person as a “whole” and not just employee or volunteer. 


How do you define success?


Balance.  The days of saying …”I work 80 hour weeks” to answer the question how I became successful is long gone.  I know “successful” executives who are on their second or third wife with no meaningful relationship with their kids.  It is possible to achieve success in work, home and faith through balance!


Where do you see yourself in one, three and five years?


I can see myself as progressively working towards becoming a leader of a small to midsize non-for-profit that is involved in helping the local community solve complex social issues with accountability and real outcomes by being creative with resources and networking.


What three words best describes you?


Determined, Tenacious and Passionate

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